How Domestic Abuse Affects Children and Young People
Domestic abuse happens between 2 adults who are in a relationship ie. husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend. It also happens in same sex relationships. Witnessing domestic abuse can be very upsetting and frightening.
Abuse in the home is always wrong and it is never your fault. This information will help you learn more about types of abuse and how your worker will help you.
You may see or hear the abuse happening in the home. Living with domestic abuse can make you feel really sad, scared, helpless and confused. You may think that you have done something to cause the abuse in your family. This is not true but sometimes you might:
- Blame yourself for the abuse
- Feel frightened, sad, ashamed, confused or unhappy
- Feel sick, have stomach pains or headaches
- Stop eating or not feel like eating
- Cry a lot
- Sleep badly, have nightmares or wet the bed
- Find school difficult
- Lose interest in your school work or your friends
- Feel like running away
- Feel angry and want to hurt yourself or somebody else or to smash something
- Have trouble talking – for example, you might start to stutter
- Worry about the safety of someone in your family who is being abused
- Take drugs or alcohol to cope

Our Children and Young People Team work with children and young people up to age 18.
You might have come to our service on your own, with your mum or you may have been referred by someone else.
We know that when anyone comes to our service for help that things have not been good for them while they have been living at home.
It is our job to help and support you through this difficult time by meeting with you at a place of your choice.
Sometimes we can chat about anything and everything but maybe you want to chat about what has not been so good for you lately. It is up to you.
Anything you do tell us is confidential unless we are worried about something you tell us.
This is Child Protection and applies to children up to the age of 16. If you are older and we’re worried about you we will let Adult Support & Protection know.
While we are meeting we usually do an activity or we might go for a walk or to a café. You usually choose what you would like to do.
The most important thing is that you begin to settle and feel better about yourself and your situation.
If you feel you would benefit from our support, get in touch.