Who is Wigtownshire Women’s Aid
On the 21st August 1987 a small group of like-minded women met to try and support women in our community who were experiencing or had experienced domestic abuse. Wigtownshire Women’s Aid was formed and from that date onwards women living in Wigtownshire were able to access support.

Since 1987, the demand for Wigtownshire Women’s Aid service has increased considerably and has grown from a handful of volunteers to 16 paid staff. The increase can hopefully be attributed in part to more women becoming aware of our services and domestic abuse within the communities, as well as the right not to endure abuse.
Wigtownshire Women’s Aid team, under the guidance of our Board of Directors and the Leadership Team, consists of Crisis, Refuge and Safe House, Outreach and Children and Young Person’s workers. Our diverse staff team come from a range of backgrounds and have brought valuable knowledge, skills and experience to the organisation.
We share the same values and work towards the same aim, to eliminate violence against women and girls.
What We Do
We are a local registered charity who offer information and support to women and their children (if any) who are being or have been physically, mentally, financially or sexually abused by a partner or ex-partner
- You can approach us directly or be referred by another agency
- The service we provide is free and completely confidential
- Where appropriate and subject to availability, we can provide safe accommodation. Admittance to our refuge can be until 9.30pm Monday to Friday and between 11am-5pm at weekends.
- We provide a quiet place to allow you the opportunity to talk in a safe, discreet, environment free of judgement and pressure.
- We give you information about available options so that you can make your own decisions and determine your own future
- If necessary, we can accompany you to appointments and advocate on your behalf, Covid restrictions allowing.
- Most important of all, we will listen and BELIEVE YOU

Violence Against Women and Girls Sub Committee
The Dumfries and Galloway Violence Against Women and Girls Sub Committee is responsible for the development of a local strategy to tackle domestic abuse and violence against women throughout the region.
It is your right to feel and be safe.
Wigtownshire Women’s Aid would like to thank the following funders, their support has made the service we provide to women,
children and young people experiencing domestic abuse possible.
Dumfries & Galloway Council
NLCF – National Lottery Community Fund
NHS Dumfries & Galloway
Scottish Government
Charles Hayward Foundation
Henry Smith Foundation
Leather Sellers
Children In Need
West Sound Cash For Kids
Robertson Trust
Other Grants
D & G Council Area Committee Grant.
D & G Council – Participatory Budgeting
Garfield Weston
Galloway Association of Glasgow
Newton Stewart Round Table
Together we can make a difference
Funders to Assist during COVID
Scottish Government
Comic Relief
Family Action Fund
Robertson Trust
Bank of Scotland
Cash for Kids
Kids Out/Kids in
Wigtownshire Women’s Aid would also like to extend huge thanks to all the organisations, groups and individuals who donate monies, gifts and time. These include;
Tesco for donations
Morrisons for donations
Fed Up Café
Community Reuse Centre
Lochryan Boys Football Club
Millennium FC
Stranraer Baptist Church
St John’s Episcopal Church
Each and every one of you contribute to improving the lives of the women, children and young people we support.
Wigtownshire Women’s Aid – Duty of Candour Report 2023-2024
All health and social care services in Scotland have a duty of candour. This is a legal requirement which means that when things go wrong and mistakes happen, the people affected understand what has happened, receive an apology, and that organisations learn how to improve for the future.
To read the full document, please click here or the document icon.